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Wednesday 27 April 2011

Analysis of Snoop Dogg's album cover.

One way that Snoop Dogg is representated on his album cover is the use of diamonds increasted in his masthead and the dog muzzles, the shining cars in the background and the huge mansion behind him and crafted into the top of it is SNOOP WORLD. This clearly shows that hes extremly wealthy and in his own world with the amount of money he earns being able to get whatever he want he can afford to pimp his dogs aswell as himself showing that hes got more money than sense. another representation is the dogs themselves wearing muzzles this may show that their dangerous and strong dogs, also the way that they are postured may seem like they are guarding or protecting him even his posture sugests that hes laid back with life and got no worries what so ever smoking his cigar this is a important feature to his album cover making him look more dominante and powerful as if hes looking down on everybody else.